why should i hire a personal injury attorney

Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you may be wondering what to do next. While you may want to try and forget and move on quickly from your unpleasant experience, protecting your rights is critical. If someone else is liable for your injury, you need an experienced accident lawyer to help you get the settlement you deserve.

In this post, we’ll discuss why you need to hire a personal injury attorney and how doing so can streamline your personal injury experience.

Let’s dive in.

First Things First – What Does a Personal Injury Attorney Do?

Personal injury attorneys work to protect the rights of people who have been injured. While their services vary from case to case, they generally provide the following:

  • Help clients build a case
  • Assess cases and file claims
  • Litigate a lawsuit in court
  • Ensure victims receive fair compensation for their injuries

Unlike traditional attorneys, personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis. This means that you never pay for a personal injury attorney out of pocket. Instead, they only get paid if they make a recovery for you. Because of this, an attorney likely won’t take your case unless they feel confident they can win it.

5 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Whether your accident was minimal or extensive, hiring a personal injury attorney is critical for these five reasons:

1. An accident lawyer is objective

Injuries are emotional. Unfortunately, the law is not. If you’ve been in an accident, a skilled personal injury attorney will be able to evaluate your case and help you understand whether or not you have the grounds to make a claim. This objectivity can help you make smart decisions and avoid costly mistakes that will extend your claims process.

2. Personal injury attorneys are experienced

When it’s time to do your taxes, you go to a CPA. When it’s time to file a personal injury claim, you go to an accident lawyer. Personal injury attorneys have extensive experience in personal injury law. This experience allows them to avoid potential pitfalls and help you secure the settlement you deserve.

3. Hiring an attorney helps you save time

Nobody wants to draw out a personal injury case more than needed. Fortunately, working with a personal injury attorney will help streamline your case and help you get the settlement you deserve in a timely manner.

4. An attorney can go to trial for you

Did you know that most personal injury cases never go to court? Instead, many settle outside of court. While this sounds like a good thing, settling too early may result in you not getting the payout you deserve. Fortunately, an accident lawyer will go to bat for you in the courtroom if necessary, ensuring you receive the best possible result.

5. Accident attorneys work with insurance companies

Convincing your insurance company to pay a claim on your behalf can be an exhausting experience. Fortunately, a good accident attorney knows how to apply pressure to an insurance company on your behalf, saving you time, stress, and frustration.

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

After an accident, you need professional legal advice to help you understand your next move. Fortunately, the decision to hire a personal injury attorney affords this without having to come out of pocket. Here at Ward & Barnes, our team of accident attorneys focus on personal injury and wrongful death litigation and will help you protect your rights and navigate your case.

Ready to learn more? Contact us today.