Legal Fees

Dog Bites

Dog Bites: Understanding Liability in Animal Attacks

Dog bites can be terrifying, not only in the moment but also in the legal aftermath. As a dog owner or a victim of a dog attack in Pensacola, Florida, you need to be aware of the laws and responsibilities that govern these situations. Navigating dog bite liability isn’t just about knowing your rights. It’s also…

Ward & Barnes Office Building Signage

Ward & Barnes Personal Injury Legal Terms Glossary

Understanding the legal side of a personal injury or a medical malpractice case can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re dealing with physical and emotional distress. This glossary aims to demystify some of the key terms you might encounter, providing clear explanations and understanding in alphabetical order. Remember, this information is not a substitute for seeking…

common personal injury claims

7 Common Personal Injury Claims in Florida

Personal injury claims are legal disputes. They arise when one person suffers harm from an accident or injury, and someone else is legally responsible for that harm. People file these claims under a variety of circumstances. They include automobile accidents, slip and fall incidents, and medical malpractice. In this blog, we’ll discuss the seven most…

electrical vehicles in accidents

Exploring the Safety of Electric Vehicles: Do They Face Higher or Lower Accident Rates?

Electric vehicles offer many benefits. In addition to providing more fuel efficiency, they’re sleek, comfortable to drive, and better for the environment. That said, increasing evidence suggests that electric vehicles pose some concerning safety risks. In this blog, we’ll discuss whether EVs are more or less likely to be involved in accidents compared to gas vehicles and what that means…

not at fault

How To Build A Strong Car Accident Case When You’re Not At Fault

You’ve been in an auto accident and you’re not at fault. Now, you’re wondering how to build a strong car accident case to ensure your damages and injuries are covered. Unfortunately, this can be easier said than done. Proving fault in car accident cases is complex, and the process can be long, tiring, and challenging….

employer liable accident

Is the Employer Liable for a Car Accident Involving an Employee?

You’ve been in a car accident, and the other driver involved was an employee in a company vehicle. The accident involved injuries, and you’re wondering who is legally responsible for the damages. Is the other driver’s employer liable? Do you need to file a claim with your own insurance? The answer is: it depends. In…

multi-vehicle accident

How do you Determine Who’s at Fault in a Multi-Vehicle Accident?

After a multi-vehicle accident, it can be difficult to determine fault. The legal definition of “fault” could depend on a variety of factors, including how many vehicles were involved, the state where the accident occurred, and the details in the police report. In this blog, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of determining fault in…

Child Safety

Back to School & Child Safety Awareness Tips

August is back to school & Child Safety Awareness Month. Throughout the country, kids are grabbing their backpacks, packing their things, and getting ready to hit the classroom again. As they do, parents, caregivers, and guardians have one thing on their minds: child safety. And for a good reason – child safety is a serious…

see a doctor after an accident

Should I See a Doctor After an Accident?

Each year in the United States, there is an average of  84 injuries per 100 million vehicle miles traveled. People travel well over 3 trillion miles every year. That’s a lot of car accident injuries. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you might be wondering what happens after the accident. How do you deal with insurance…

settlement offer

Low Settlement Offers: How to Deal with Them

If you’ve been in an accident, you’re probably beginning to deal with insurance companies, adjusters, and other details surrounding your personal injury claim. While these dealings should be straightforward, they seldom are. In fact, even an insurance company that has accepted liability may be committed to negotiating and delivering several low settlement offers right off…